RD254 - Child Care Assistance Automation - October 2012

Executive Summary:
The Department of Social Services (DSS) developed a comprehensive automated system for the Child Care Subsidy Program (Program) that allows Virginia to meet federal mandates more efficiently, provide greater accuracy in payments to vendors, and improve overall program management. The new system assists local departments of social services (LDSS) with determining eligibility and management of caseloads; timely provision of services to families; accurate data regarding children and families served; timely and more accurate payments to vendors, direct costs associated with child care, analysis of encumbrances and expenditures; and the assessment of unmet child care needs.

Progress towards an automated child care system was made, as evidenced by the following:

• Selection of a vendor in February 2010 to implement a comprehensive automated child care case management system, based on transfer systems from other states;

• Signing of a Statement of Work with a vendor to provide a time and attendance tracking system;

• Creation of a users' group of state and local staff to articulate business processes, validate requirements, assist in design, and testing of the system functionality,

• Development of the Virginia Case Management System (VaCMS), the Electronic Child Care system (ECC), the Third Party Reconciliation (TPR) system, and an interface with the Division of Licensing Programs tracking system;

• Pilot implementation of six local departments on August 10, 2012

• Statewide implementation of VaCMS and ECC completed August 2012.

The time-limited funding made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was used to develop and implement the VaCMS project which provides case management, vendor management, and financial management components.

The Child Care Subsidy Program became fully automated when Fairfax County converted to VaCMS in June 2012, and implemented ECC in August 2012. The Program is currently working with the vendors on future enhancements for VaCMS and ECC.