RD277 - Interstate Commission for Juveniles Annual Report FY2013

Executive Summary:
As we reflect on FY 2013, I am amazed at how much the Commission accomplished in five years. This was a year of progress and another year for Compact members to work together toward the goal of improving public safety and juvenile accountability.

I complete my final year as ICJ Chair with deep gratitude to my fellow Executive Committee members. For each of us, it has been an honor to bring our financial, operational, and strategic planning expertise to this organization. We have worked hard to ensure the Commission’s priorities and decisions reflect the values of all those it serves. In that spirit, I am proud to present the strategic initiatives being championed by the Executive Committee for adoption at the 2013 Annual Business Meeting.

Implementing an electronic database system for this Compact is a tremendous milestone for ICJ. This was a complex project and I want to recognize the Technology Committee’s ability to keep it on track and deliver a system that will serve this Commission by providing uniformity in the management of interstate cases. The ICJ continued collaborating with the Association of Administrators for the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (AAICPC) to examine scenarios where both compacts apply to the same cases, which lead to rule amendments that addressed concurrent jurisdiction. The workgroup’s initiative brings us closer to providing best practices and guidelines to address cases of mutual interest.

You can learn more about all of these efforts as well as other activities of the Commission in this annual report. None of these accomplishments would be possible without the generous contributions and dedication of the national office staff and our members. You have the profound gratitude of the juvenile justice community for all you do to ensure a bright future for ICJ.

Terry L. Clark, Chair