RD322 - Interstate Commission for Juveniles Annual Report FY2014

Executive Summary:
I am pleased to present the Interstate Commission for Juveniles (ICJ) fiscal year 2014 Annual Report. The information and statistics contained in this publication provide a clear picture of the mission, accomplishments and operations of this organization. This report also offers insight into the Commission’s fiscal priorities, committee work, and statistical data regarding juvenile interstate movement. ICJ continues to lead by setting and achieving aggressive goals as outlined in our strategic plan.

Committees were hard at work for fiscal year 2014. After an extensive effort to improve the Juvenile Interstate Data System’s performance, the Technology Committee enhanced the training efforts supporting the system and its users. As the National Office and compact office staff worked to make sure information entered is accurate and complete, the Technology Committee continued to prioritize fixes and determine needed enhancements to establish JIDS as a useful tool. The Training Committee developed training bulletins, best practices, and online sessions to ensure states have the most current information, and the Rules Committee continued their efforts to analyze the rules and draft proposals for clarification. The Finance Committee attentively monitored the budget throughout the year and recommended funding an additional representative from each state to attend the ICJ Annual Business Meeting. After much deliberation, the Executive Committee favored a live stream of the meeting, whereby interested parties can view the trainings and business meeting from their office. Additionally, the AAICPC/ICJ MOU Workgroup continues to draft best practice guidelines for dual jurisdiction cases. Finally, I asked the Compliance Committee to develop a protocol for ‘State Offices in Transition’ after two member states were rendered ineffective due to operational and personnel changes. The Compliance Committee will present the outcome of this project to the full Commission in October 2014.

ICJ is still a relatively young organization, but with Commission members consistently volunteering their time and talent to participate in the business of the Commission, and the National Office staff diligently supporting their efforts, significant results are being realized. On behalf of the Executive Committee, I want to thank those who contribute to the mission of this Compact. The Commission’s accomplishments are a direct result of your dedication.


Patrick J. Pendergast