RD273 - Task Force on Lyme Disease “Point of Disease” Prevention Strategies - Final Report - September 30, 2015

Executive Summary:
Item 85 in Chapter 665 of the 2015 Virginia Acts of Assembly directs the Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry to report to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees the findings of a task force assembled to address certain discrete issues related to Lyme disease “point of disease” prevention strategies (“Task Force”). The Task Force’s mandate is to conduct the following:

1. Identify areas in Virginia with the highest prevalence of Lyme disease. In the event that a “point of disease” prevention strategy is adopted, the legislation contemplates that these identified areas would serve as implementation sites.

2. Determine estimated costs of implementing a “point of disease” prevention program in the identified areas.

3. Identify sources of revenue to fund a “point of disease” prevention program. Specifically, the Task Force was directed to review potential federal grants, local funding, private foundations, and state sources.

The legislation directed that the Task Force be convened by the Secretaries of Agriculture and Forestry and Health and Human Resources, and include representatives from the Department of Health (“VDH”), the Department of Health Professions (“DHP”), the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (“VDACS”), the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (“DGIF”), and the Department of Forestry (“DOF”). In addition, relevant local agencies, medical professionals, and representatives of organizations of affected citizens were to be included.