RD310 - Report to the General Assembly: JLARC Impacts - 2015

Executive Summary:
Dear Members:

In its biennial Report to the General Assembly, JLARC evaluates its own agency performance, reviews the findings of its studies, and recaps the significant actions taken in response to its recommendations.

Recent JLARC studies have had impact on a broad range of public policy areas in Virginia, including higher education, economic development, health care, emergency preparedness, K-12 education, and IT. In FY 2014 and FY 2015, about $42.9 million was saved as a result of implementing JLARC report recommendations.

JLARC’s ongoing oversight functions have helped to ensure transparency and accountability in important areas of legislative responsibility, including the state retirement program, central IT services, and the state’s college savings plan. JLARC’s fiscal analysis services have supported the work of the General Assembly by supplying comprehensive information about state spending and about the likely costs of proposed legislation.

I would like to express my gratitude for your support of JLARC’s vital work for the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Hal E. Greer