RD465 - Study of Alternatives to Secure Confinement for Sexually Violent Predator: An Analysis of Cost-Effective Alternative Methods of Treatment and Monitoring – November 1, 2016

Executive Summary:
This report is submitted in accordance with Item 331 D of the 2016 Appropriation Act, which directs that the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services shall review and develop options to reduce the census growth and potential need for additional bed capacity at the Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation. As part of this review the department shall evaluate alternative options such as greater use of conditional release for individuals in order to reduce the future need to increase the physical capacity of the facility. The department shall report its findings to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by November 1, 2016.

The Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Services (DBHDS) created a multi-disciplinary workgroup which was tasked with developing options to reduce census growth at the Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation (VCBR). As part of the review process the team conducted a thorough review of the existing program in the Commonwealth looking at its strengths and weaknesses. Opportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the existing program were reviewed. In addition, the workgroup sought information about programs in other states/jurisdictions and used that information to guide the formation of options which could be implemented in the Commonwealth. In total, seven options are offered for consideration. Each option can be implemented alone or in combination with other options. Each option has a relative financial cost, but also come with relative risk to community safety. Finally, each option comes with community perception about the manner in which Sexually Violent Predators are treated in the Commonwealth. Community perception has the potential to be a major barrier to several of the options. Finally, the workgroup attempted to assess the potential impact of each option on the overall census growth at VCBR. The opinion of the group is that while implementing options would have a net decrease on the census growth, overall it is anticipated that VCBR will continue to experience census growth (even if a majority of the options were implemented). The workgroup is of the opinion that it is in the best interest of the Commonwealth to proceed with expansion at VCBR as ultimately the secure treatment space will be needed.