RD13 - Virginia Community College System Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2017 (Unaudited)

Executive Summary:

Virginia’s Community Colleges provide a variety of activities to support employers, incumbent workers, and the emerging workforce. These activities include career pathway programs that assist individuals in transitioning to employment after training is provided, open enrollment courses (offered to the general public) that allow employees or potential employees to upgrade their skills, and customized training, which provides the opportunity for employers to develop a course of study for employees that meets specific training needs.

Fiscal Year 2017 marked the second year of VCCS’s strategic plan, Complete 2021, which focuses on tripling the number of credentials earned by community college students. These credentials include degrees, diplomas, and certificates awarded as the result of credit coursework, as well as industry certifications and professional licensures awarded by third-party entities as the result of either credit or noncredit coursework provided by Virginia’s Community Colleges.