HD18 - Virginia Land and Energy Navigator “VaLEN” Initial Report on the Development of a Map for Prime Farmland HB894 Workgroup (Chapter 488, 2022)

Executive Summary:

Since 2015 utility-scale solar project development has increased across Virginia, with much more development of renewable solar energy and energy storage anticipated in the coming years. To date, 91% of solar development in Virginia has been in the form of utility-scale solar. The build out of utility-scale solar in Virginia has raised concerns regarding the balancing of renewable energy goals in the context of broader natural resources conservation and economic development interests. The Virginia General Assembly recognized the need for data resources to help inform these land-use planning decisions through HB894.

The charge of HB894 focused on: developing a map of prime farmland, identifying land with conservation easements, and describing certain electrical grid infrastructure information. Together, HB894 Workgroup members collaborated to: understand the complete scope of the planned work activities; consider the pertinent geospatial data sources to incorporate, and; seek end-user feedback to inform the development of an interactive online mapping tool that is both fit for purpose and tailored to the needs of Virginians exploring these applications. These charges of HB894 serve as the basis and format for this document, which is the “initial report" described in the bill. The sections within this report describe the scope of Section 3 HB894, including the participatory process used among the workgroup, the selected geospatial data layers, and the development of the interactive online mapping tool.

Recognizing that utility-scale solar development and land use planning is an issue of significant importance to localities, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and landowners, among others, the workgroup members endeavored to go above and beyond the initial charge by developing an interactive online geospatial tool that provides information that can be used by localities (and others) to help inform decision-making related to solar projects. Note that the goal of this resource is to support and inform decision-making, not prescribe outcomes. With the intent of deploying a peer-reviewed product, reviewed by both HB894 Workgroup members as well as representatives from local government, and within an intuitive user interface. The goal is to have the user interface for the geospatial data repository of Virginia prime farmland and related data layers deployed by the end of December 2022. This resource will be known as the Virginia Land and Energy Navigator (VaLEN).