RD348 - Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) Inclusive Excellence Plan Report – 2022-2023

Executive Summary:

In 2022, the Department of Wildlife Resources (“DWR") embarked on a journey towards Inclusive Excellence with the establishment of the 2022-2026 Inclusive Excellence Strategic Plan (the Plan). The Plan is is a product of the “business case" for diversity, opportunity, and inclusion, which is based on measurable, sustainable outcomes that benefit the agency’s overall goals. The Plan was segmented into four “core principles:" Recruiting, Culture, Awareness, Connecting.

These areas are where DWR must demonstrate excellence to best serve all Virginians and become a workplace where all can reach their full occupational potential.

Each core principle has goals that are accomplished by executing specific Strategic Initiatives. To be intentional in producing results, the Plan features Targeted Outcomes which will ultimately determine success. While creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is the responsibility of every employee, some divisions are more responsible for the execution of specific initiatives than others. The Plan includes Accountable Divisions charts that assign responsibility for each initiative.

Division leaders have been surveyed on their perceptions of the agency’s progress toward inclusive excellence. In this report, we will assess DWR’s progress towards the desired outcomes highlighted in the Plan and recommend the next steps to ensure sustainable progress towards those outcomes.

For each core principle, we will review the definition and goals and offer narratives based on analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data. Included are quotes from both the 2022 Climate Survey and a leadership survey conducted for this report. Also, the report will gauge the progress for each strategic initiative using red (less than 25% accomplished or progressing), yellow (26-75% accomplished or progressing), and green (over 75% accomplished or progressing).