RD585 - Annual Report on the Distribution of Information Concerning Postgraduate Opportunities for High School Students – October 1, 2024

Executive Summary:

The 2022 General Assembly passed House Bill 1299 and Senate Bill 738, which require the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to collect and distribute to school boards and publicly post on its website information that assists high school students in making more informed decisions about their futures after graduating from high school. It should also ensure that such students are aware of the costs and benefits of different educational and certificate programs.

The bills direct the VDOE to consult with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) to collect and compile such information annually and update its distribution materials accordingly. The bills further require the VDOE to post and distribute the information to school boards, with any relevant updates, no later than October 1 each year, and provide an annual update to the General Assembly on how such information was distributed.