RD918 - Virginia Department of Health Fee Inventory - 2024 – December 16, 2024

Executive Summary:

The Virginia General Assembly tasked the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to inventory all fees collected by the agency for its operations and to provide a report detailing specific information about each of the fees to the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget and to the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees. Fees and relevant information about each fee were identified and reported by offices within the Department who are primarily responsible for administering the activities for which the fees are collected. The Office of Financial Management provided 3-year revenue reports and VDH Governmental and Regulatory Affairs staff compiled this inventory and associated report.

Of the fees included in the inventory, 24 fees, or 17%, have not been modified in the last 20 years. Fifty-nine fees (42%) have not been modified in the last 10 years. Thirty-three percent of fees have not been modified since enactment. Key fee adjustment recommendations are summarized below.


This fee inventory highlights 141 distinct fees collected across 22 program areas by VDH.

1. Of the 141 fees, one fee is recommended for elimination.

2. Of the 141 fees, 24 fees are not recommended for adjustment.

a. No fee change is recommended for clinical services fees (medical, laboratory, and dental health service).

3. Of the 141 fees, 116 fees are recommended for adjustment.

a. Legislative action would be required to adjust 38 of these fees.

b. Regulatory action would be required to adjust 78 of these fees.

c. The remaining 26 fees are recommended for adjustment, but the adjusted fee amount is indeterminate at this time. Further research will be required to determine appropriate recommendations for fee adjustments.