RD11 - Cancer Action Coalition of Virginia Report to the Governor, General Assembly, and the Joint Commission on Health Care – January 3, 2025

Executive Summary:

On behalf of the Cancer Action Coalition of Virginia, it is our pleasure to submit the annual report to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Joint Commission on Health Care as requested in House Joint Resolution No. 56 of 2010.

The Cancer Action Coalition of Virginia (CACV) is an alliance of organizations and individuals working together to provide statewide guidance, support, leadership, and coordination of cancer prevention and control activities throughout the Commonwealth. CACV is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is to reduce the burden of cancer for all persons living in Virginia utilizing the Virginia Cancer Plan to provide a forum for collaboration, education, and advocacy.

In 2023, CACV members, in partnership with the Virginia Department of Health, released the latest blueprint for community-based cancer prevention and control activities in the Commonwealth; the document is the Virginia Cancer Plan (VCP), 2023-2027. The VCPcontains goals, specific objectives, methods to achieve objectives, and standards used to measure success.

Throughout the report, you will find references to how our activities align with the Virginia Cancer Plan along with metrics showing our progress. Our activities always focus on the Virginia Cancer Plan and intend to promote collaboration among our members to meet the plan goals and objectives.

Please contact Jessica Deering at jdeering@cancercoalitionofvirginia.org to answer questions about the report. Thank you for distributing the report to Virginia’s legislators and citizens.


/s/ John Deeken, MD

/s/ Jessica Deering
Executive Director