RD112 - Annual Report on Alternative Transportation – January 15, 2025

Executive Summary:

The Alternative Transportation Program has been operational since May of 2019. The initial contract period will end in March 2025.

DBHDS implemented two new programs during this fiscal year to expand the capacity to maintain custody of more highly acute individuals and implement the use of restraint. Allied Universal is conducting one program in a five CSB catchment area in the northern section of the Commonwealth using Vistelar™ de-escalation training and healthcare RIPP™ restraints. Allied is only providing transportation services when the bed at the designated facility of detention becomes available. Steadfast Security is running the second program model in a three CSB catchment area using Special Conservators of the Peace (SCOPs) and standard law enforcement restraints. Steadfast maintains custody prior to transport and provides the transportation when the bed in the designated facility of detention becomes available.

Based on lessons learned in the initial implementation of these services and the success of the two new, smaller-scale programs, DBHDS substantially revised the scope of work for a new statewide contract to include both custody and transport services for individuals under a Temporary Detention Order (TDO). The ability to use funding streams for custody and transport together also created an opportunity to expand the scope of work. A new Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued in May 2024 with proposals due July 25, 2024. This new scope of work will require that contractors have the capacity to provide custody and transport services for individuals of all levels of acuity and implement the use of restraints when needed to maintain safety for the individual and others in the environment where the person is being held for evaluation during the TDO and subsequent commitment period when needed. The new RFP provides the option for DBHDS to award multiple regional contracts or one statewide contract depending on responses received from qualified vendors and available funding.

Governor Youngkin’s Right Help Right Now mental and behavioral health care transformation includes a pillar focused on reducing the burden on law enforcement during the civil commitment process. This has presented DBHDS with an opportunity to evaluate the current program of alternative transportation and related maintenance of custody concerns and begin designing a new program capable of custody and transport for all levels of acuity. This report summarizes FY 2024 data and break down utilization regionally to explore the differences between regional needs and resources that have impacted utilization. In addition, it explores opportunities for both alternative transportation and custody.