RD117 - 2022 Annual Report on Charity Care, Discounted Care and Financial Assistance Provided by Virginia Hospitals

Executive Summary:

Virginia Department of Health (VDH) partners with Virginia Health Information (VHI), a non-profit organization, to establish a framework to collect the data necessary to compile this report. Based on the initial analysis done in July 2022 when the new legislation took effect, VHI did not collect the level of detailed data required to fully meet these reporting requirements. VHI solicited input on the proposed data collection changes needed to meet the statutory requirements from the Virginia Hospital and Health Care Association (VHHA) and reviewed the following data revisions with VDH effective with collection of hospital fiscal year data ending in 2022:

• The amount of uncollected bad debt and any uncollected bad debt from payment plans—four new fields to be added under the Balance Sheet information.

o Accounts Receivable (A/R) Gross patient revenue
o A/R Gross non patient revenue
o Uncollected Bad Debt Patient Accounts
o Uncollected Bad Debt Accounts other than Patient

VHI made the changes/additions to the Efficiency and Productivity Information Collection System (EPICS) reporting tool and released it on November 8, 2022, which will allow these data to be reported on for FYE2022. This does not impact the VDH/VHI Healthcare Data Reporting Contract language and does not pose any fiscal impact.

The tables of FYE2021 hospital financial data partially meets SB201/HB1710 with the exception of uncollected bad debt. Following the addition of the new fields for data collection of FYE2022 data, this data and report will be comprehensive in future years.