RD221 - Activities of the Institutional Review Board – Calendar Year 2023

Executive Summary:

The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) is submitting this report in compliance with the Virginia Acts of the Assembly – the Code of Virginia § 32.1-12.1 which states:

The Board shall promulgate regulations pursuant to the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) to effectuate the provisions of Chapter 5.1 (§ 32.1-162.16 et seq.) of this title for human research, as defined in § 32.1-162.16, to be conducted or authorized by the Department or any facilities or other entities operated, funded, or licensed by the Department. The regulations shall require the human research committee to submit to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Commissioner or his designee at least annually a report on the human research projects reviewed and approved by the committee and shall require the committee to report any significant deviations from the proposals as approved.

During 2023 the Board conducted 17 expedited reviews of research proposals and 34 exempt reviews. All projects were determined as posing minimal risk to human subjects and approved by the Board. The Board did not identify any significant deviations from the approved research proposals.