HD4 - Report of the Secretary of Education and the Secretary of Public Safety on Senate Joint Resolution 159

  • Published: 1980
  • Author: Secretary of Education and Secretary of Public Safety
  • Enabling Authority: Senate Joint Resolution 159 (Regular Session, 1979)

Executive Summary:

The 1979 Session of the General Assembly requested the Secretary of Public Safety and the Secretary of Education to develop the necessary mechanisms to implement the recommendations of the Juvenile Court-Public School State Task Force. In reply to that request, the Offices of Education and Public Safety established a committee, consisting of representatives from key agencies and organizations.

The committee met for the first time on June 25, 1979, for the purpose of identifying individuals, agencies, and organizations that would play a role in the implementation of the recommendations. At that meeting the committee also decided to extend an invitation to Mr. Robert N. Baldwin, Executive Secretary of the State Supreme Court, Judge Ralph Zehler, President of the Juvenile Court Judges Association, and Mr. Jeff Southard, Director of Law-Related Education for the Young Lawyers Association, to attend the meeting on July 26, 1979. Unfortunately, Judge Zehler nor his replacement, Judge Carle F. Germelman, was able to attend the meeting. However, Judge Germelman did send a letter wherein he accepted membership on the committee and outlined his support of various recommendations on behalf of Judge Zehler.

At the meeting on July 26, 1979, the committee heard remarks from Mr. Jeff Southard regarding the law-related education programs in the State. He also offered his assistance along with that of the Young Lawyers Association. Mr. Robert N. Baldwin provided remarks regarding the Juvenile Court-Public School recommendations and possible procedures that might be used to ensure involvement of the Juvenile Judges.

In addition to the above remarks, the committee discussed each recommendation and assigned responsibility to an agency and/or organization for the implementation of that recommendation. It was the consensus of those committee members present that the recommendations could and should be initiated and encouraged at the State level but implementation must be at the local level.