HD17 - The Revision of Title 38.1 of the Code of Virginia
Executive Summary: House Joint Resolution No.1 of the 1984 Acts of Assembly directed the Virginia Code Commission to make a careful study of Title 38.1 of the Code of Virginia and report to the Governor and the General Assembly its findings in the form of a revision of the Title. Pursuant to this mandate, the study has been completed and the revision is appended to this report. The study resolution was initially brought to the attention of the 1984 General Assembly by Delegate Theodore V. Morrison, Jr. and Speaker of the House A. L. Philpott both of whom were interested in making consistent the style and substance of the insurance laws of the Commonwealth. Subsequent to the last revision of these laws in 1952 numerous changes have been made in the statutes. Many inconsistencies in style and substance have resulted from over thirty years of amendments and the need arose to organize the laws in a more logical manner, to delete obsolete provisions; to improve the grammar, clarity and purpose of the insurance laws and to make substantive changes in order to recognize new developments in the insurance industry. Due to the size of Title 38.1 and the multitude of statutes which had to be reviewed and rewritten, the Code Commission continued its study through 1984 into 1985. This allowed the Commission and interested parties sufficient opportunity to complete a careful review of the title. |