HD23 - Tyson's Corner Interim Transportation Improvements
Executive Summary: The purpose of HJR 276 was to create enhanced awareness of the importance of Tysons Corner to the economic progress of the Commonwealth, and to focus attention on the interim transportation improvements needed prior to the implementation of roil in the Tyson's/Dulles Corridor. A series of three meetings, held in the Summer and Fall of 1998 set the HJR 276 process in motion leading the HJR 276 Committee to reach consensus on the transportation improvements required in Tysons Corner that support the continued economic stability of Tysons Corner as a major employment area. The HJR 276 Committee began the process by reviewing a list of transit, roadway, signal and pedestrian deficiencies in Tysons Corner developed by TYJRAN members. .A matrix was developed and, where applicable, deficiencies were identified as either part of o project currently being funded; part of a project planned or not funded; or part of a project study completed. Deficiencies not fitting into any of these categories were identified as remaining deficiencies. The Committee then identified all other projects not part of the original deficiency list that were funded or planned and assigned costs and timeframes to each. To develop the final recommendations in this report, the HJR Committee focused on those projects that were not funded, studies completed but not implemented and remaining deficiencies. HJR 276 COMMITTEE FINDINGS The HJR 276 Committee findings are based on committee members' observations, comments, knowledge and a review of previous reports and studies; no additional technical analysis was conducted as a part of this process. Some of the more significant findings that were identified included: • The extension of rail from West Falls Church to Dulles Airport through Tysons Corner is a critical transportation component to the continued-economic support and future development of Tysons Corner, Virginia's largest economic and employment center. • The main ingress/egress points carrying the bulk of traffic into and out of Tysons Corner - the Beltway; Route 123, Route 7; Gallows Road and the Dulles Toll Road - routinely experience significant congestion during the morning (AM) and evening (PM) peak periods of travel. • Every major intersection in Tysons Corner reaches gridlocked conditions - operating at Level of Service ( LOS) F and below - during the AM and PM peak period of travel. • Safety issues are created daily at major intersections when vehicles, stacking into the intersection on a green light are unable to clear the intersection at the signal change due to downstream signals that are not coordinated and/or capacity problems. During peak periods, vehicles need more than one cycle to clear some signalized intersections; inadequate intersection capacity and signal timing deficiencies are likely to be contributing factors. • Roadway and directional signage is inadequate and inconsistent throughout Tysons Corner. • Pedestrian amenities - crosswalks, signals, and curb cuts - are inadequate throughout Tysons Corner. • Bus transit signage is inadequate and inconsistent, and bus shelters are non-existent throughout Tysons Corner. • Overall congestion and inadequate pedestrian facilities contribute to reduced safety in Tysons Corner. HJR 276 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS The HJR 276 Committee's final recommendations include suggested actions for increased coordination on projects, acceleration of projects in the planning stages, and recommendations for the implementation of deficiencies currently not being addressed. .All recommendations are subject to the availability of both financial and manpower resources necessary to implement the projects within a short period of time. Funding sources reviewed by the Committee to support these recommendations include Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds [CMAQ], Intelligent Transportation System [ITS] funds, State and County highway funds, Federal demonstration funds and the Tysons Transportation Fund (TTF). RECOMMENDATIONS. 1. Identify the amount of funding currently in the Tysons Transportation Fund, created By an assessment on developments in Tysons Corner for traffic mitigation; implement all projects with dedicated proffer funds; and prioritize the projects as recommended in this HJR 276 Committee Report for the balance of the funds. 2. Include all significant main line commuter feeder routes extending beyond the current Signal Optimization Plan boundaries by incorporating additional data from the following feeder routes Route 123; Route 7 east to 1-66; Route 7 west; and Gallows Road. This will ensure all signal improvements within Tysons Corner will achieve optimum levels of success. 3. Coordinate all actions relating to the improvement of Gallows Road; identify conclusions and recommended improvements. Once improvements are identified, fast-track the approval process and include in the 6-year plan. 4. Request the on-going Capital Beltway Study Team review and evaluate the JHK Beltway Study- completed in 1990 and include all relevant ramp improvements recommended in the Study in the environ-mental process. 5. Coordinate design and timing of the Spring Hill Road widening project with the Greensboro Drive project currently underway to reduce construction costs and delays. This will help minimize traffic flow problems when Greensboro Drive, a major commercial corridor, is completed and commuters begin utilizing Spring Hill to reach the Dulles Toll Road and Route 7. 6. Identify committed proffered funding for the widening of Route 123 from the Beltway to the Dulles Toll Road. Evaluate completed roadway design, completed right of way dedications, identify remaining funding requirements, fast-track the approval process and include in the 6-year plan. 7. Utilize Dulles Toll Road surplus funds or other transit-related Corridor funds to widen the west-bound Dulles Toll Road ramp at Spring Hill Road and immediately begin design and construction as soon as funding is secured for each phase. 8. Update the Route 7 Corridor Study to ensure the validity of the recommendations for both the Service Roads and Route-7. The update, identified as the Tysons Operational Improvement Analysis, should also be expanded to include Route 123 and other major Tysons Corner Road ways. 9. Inventory all existing roadway and directional signs in Tysons Corner and analyze them for clarity, consistency, safety issues and directional accuracy. Upgrade signs, including adding, removing, enlarging or changing as necessary. Identify critical locations where signage is necessary. 10. Identify all locations for improved transit signing and key locations for the installation of bus shelters. Develop and adopt a county-wide policy to accept the maintenance of bus shelters purchased and installed by a private corporation. 11. Inventory all sidewalk, intersection crossing and pedestrian amenities in Tysons Corner and immediately address any safety issues. Develop and implement a plan for improving the pedestrian network amenities, beginning with recommendations identified in previously published studies such as the Route 7 Corridor Study and the Tysons Corner Urban Center Plan. 12. Work with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority to improve the shoulder or add a new lane on the east-bound Dulles Toll Road connector road to the West Falls Church Metro station to allow buses direct access to the Metro station. 13. Identify the amount of funding previously allocated to widen Magarity Road and the funding required to complete the widening. Re-evaluate the status of this project, based upon the ability to leverage additional funds utilizing the prior funding. 14. Develop a traffic camera and variable message sign master plan for the Tysons Corner area, identifying strategic locations for the deployment if additional traffic surveillance cameras, communications requirements and control locations. Include a plan to utilize the camera images to display real-time traffic conditions in monitors located in major employer sites. These recommendations compliment and support transportation projects currently in progress and those planned for the future. In addition, improved transit and pedestrian amenities will help provide an environment more transit friendly and less dependent on the automobile. The importance of Tysons Corner to the Commonwealth, as both the largest economic center and employment area in the State, requires continued support for the necessary transportation investments to ensure the area remains competitive in its ability to attract and retain business interests. The HJR 276 Committee recommendations provide focus and direction to achieve interim transportation solutions in Tysons Corner prior to the extension of rail service. |