HD8 - Report on the Effectiveness of the Plans Implemented by Commercial Poultry Processors

Executive Summary:
This report is an evaluation of the effectiveness of the plans of commercial poultry processors required by HB 1207. The report outlines measures and practices contained within the plans to meet the requirements of subsection G of § 62.1-44.17:1.1.

The poultry processors have implemented a cooperative approach to several of the requirements, and have joined in agreements with the Virginia Poultry Federation (VPF) and the Delmarva Poultry Industry (DPI) in a combined effort to fund, develop, and implement these requirements. VPF has been actively involved in establishing a poultry litter hotline and advertising program; education of growers, brokers, and end users on litter management; research; and development of a poultry litter transport matching grant program.

Additional requirements of Subsection G have been addressed by the commercial poultry processors on an individual basis. As an example, the use of phytase as a feed additive to reduce phosphorous in poultry waste has already resulted in significant success. Progress has been made on alternative uses for litter, ranging from the limited production of a high-grade fertilizer to the use of poultry litter in composting operations to produce soil amendments. Other discussions have included the use of poultry litter in energy production either through burning or gasification, but these discussions were delayed as a result of the Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus outbreak.