RD8 - Department of Veterans Services Commissioner's 2003 Annual Report

Executive Summary:
The Department of Veterans Services became an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia on July 1, 2003. The origin of this new veterans’ service delivery system is the product of the voice of Virginia’s veterans and the organizations and agencies that serve them. Extensive research by a Governor’s Advisory Commission provided a vehicle for that voice to be heard, and resulted in improved programs for Virginia’s veterans and their families.

Based upon the Governor’s Advisory Commission findings, both the Senate (SB 1092) and the House (HB 1774) passed legislation to re-engineer existing veterans service programs, and consolidate them into a single agency that provides a “one-stop” service conduit veterans and their families can rely on for effective and efficient assistance.

Guiding the Department of Veterans Services in its mission are three new citizen boards. The Board on Veterans Services reviews existing programs and recommends changes and improvements. The Joint Leadership Council of Veterans Service Organizations provides advice on veterans’ issues and service delivery, and the Veterans Service Foundation seeks out funding alternatives to assist in sponsoring veterans’ programs.

Fiscal stability has been maintained throughout the consolidation process. Allocation of resources has allowed the Department of Veterans Services to direct funds and personnel as needed among the various programs. This method of operation permits the Department to achieve the objectives of each program within existing resources and in the most cost effective and efficient manner possible. Service delivery improvements have been realized by the consolidation and conversion resulting in increased travel to remote locations to assist veterans and the restoration of some vacant positions.

Achievements and accomplishments during the first six months of operation proclaim the success the new veterans service agency has experienced. Goals, objectives, and initiatives have been identified to ensure continued success.

This report will take you through the events that led to the historical revitalization and re-energizing of veterans’ service programs in Virginia. It will illustrate the commitment of this administration to provide the best service possible to those whose military service ensures the freedom and protection the citizens of Virginia and this nation enjoy each day.