HD9 - Interim Report on the Status of the Proposed Improvements to U.S. Route 460 between Hampton Roads and Richmond-Petersburg Metropolitan Area

Executive Summary:
During its 2003 session, the Virginia General Assembly passed House Bill 2543, enacted as Chapter 953 of the 2003 Acts of Assembly. The Act requires the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to solicit proposals for improvements to U.S. Route 460 between Hampton Roads and the Richmond-Petersburg metropolitan area under the Public-Private Transportation Act (PPTA) of 1995. It also requires that VDOT submit “an executive summary and report of its progress in completing the DEIS [Draft Environmental Impact Statement] and in soliciting the proposals as required above”. This report provides an overview and project status of the ongoing Route 460 Location Study.

The study began in March 2003 and is scheduled for completion in March 2006. The Study Team has completed several important tasks, including project scoping, traffic studies, and identification of problems and potential solutions. Ongoing tasks include resource identification, impact assessment, and completion of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), consistent with federal requirements. Location public hearings and preparation of the Final EIS will follow.