RD396 - Monitoring of Offenders Required to Comply with the Sex Offender Registry Requirements - January 2014

Executive Summary:
As of October 16, 2013, there were 20,360 sex offenders listed on the Virginia State Police Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry. They are divided into three groups: (1) 3,502 registrants under the purview of the Department of Corrections Probation and Parole Services, (2) 8,145 sex offenders whose registration and verifications are the responsibility of the Department of State Police, and (3) the remaining 8,713 registrants who are incarcerated in jails or prisons across the state.

The Virginia Department of State Police has developed and maintains a web-based system for recording and monitoring residential and employment address verifications. This database is utilized by Virginia State Police troopers and compliance officers, as well as Department of Corrections (DOC) probation and parole officers tasked with completing the verification process. Our agency conducts the training, and these probation and parole officers, as well as the troopers and compliance officers assigned to the SOIU, are trained in the system.

In the past twelve months, from October 16, 2012, to October 15, 2013, VSP SOIU conducted 20,637 verifications of home and work addresses.