RD266 - Services Provided to Individuals with Acquired Brain Injury with Concurrent Behavioral/Mental Health Diagnoses - October 1, 2015
Executive Summary: Pursuant to Item 307 P of the 2015 Appropriations Act, “The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) shall report on the number of individuals with acquired brain injury exhibiting behavioral/mental health problems requiring services in state mental health facilities and/or community services boards to the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by October 1 of each year. The report shall provide, to the extent possible, the following information: (i) the general fund and non-general fund cost of the services provided to individuals; and (ii) the types and amounts of services received by these individuals.” The number of individuals with acquired brain injury exhibiting behavioral/mental health problems requiring services from either DBHDS mental health hospital or community services boards (CSBs), the general and non-general fund cost of those services and the types of amounts of these services received are new data elements to both DBHDS and the CSBs, thus many of the responses are incomplete. Little information is currently available from the CSBs. The data included in this report, reflecting July1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, have not been previously recorded. To gather data after July 1, 2015, DBHDS has been working to identify these elements for its hospitals and modify the performance contract with the CSBs to require their reporting on these elements as well. As a result, DBHDS expects that reports in subsequent years, starting in October 2016, will be able to better capture the specific variables described in 307P. The table below represents DBHDS’ best efforts to report the elements requested. |