RD386 - Interstate Commission for Juveniles Annual Report FY2016
Executive Summary: Having been a part of Interstate Compact for 13 years, it is an honor to serve as the Commission’s Chair. Working with the Officers, Committee Chairs, Regional Representatives, and all State Commissioners and Designees, has deepened my commitment to this distinguished organization. I anxiously look forward to seeing ICJ realize the goals of its newly defined strategic plan. This fiscal year, we refined our rules, secured our long-term financial future and began analyzing our accountability to protecting public safety. The Commission remained committed to improving the operation and services of the compact in a financially prudent manner. We renegotiated major contracts, which resulted in significant cost savings. This included reaching an agreement for a long-term hosting and maintenance contract with InStream for the Juvenile Interstate Data System (JIDS), reassessing our relationship with the Council of State Governments, and procuring a new vendor for our online training system. The Commission implemented its first year of performance measurement assessments, I received both positive and constructive feedback from states regarding the assessments. In the upcoming year, the Compliance Committee will continue to find solutions for identified deficiencies by not only conducting a follow up assessment, but by providing guidance and assistance so states may improve and do better. The Technology Committee, with assistance from the ICJ National Office, renegotiated the JIDS contract, implemented a major release due to Rule changes and upgraded our helpdesk software. The Training Committee continued to provide Rules and JIDS trainings, in addition to approving 67 Technical and Training Assistance Requests, a more than 60% increase from last year. Previously established work groups, tasked to look at human trafficking and the overlap of ICJ and ICPC, continued their work this year to ensure the population of juveniles we serve are receiving proper services and states understand their role when handling these cases. This record of accomplishment, success and continual progress is only possible because of the dedication and hard work of all the professionals involved with ICJ. Thank you for your support of our collective work, whether in the form of volunteered time on Committees or sharing your talents and expertise. Sincerely, /s/ Traci Marchand, Chair Chair, Interstate Commission for Juveniles |