RD460 - Body Worn Camera Summary Report – September 2021

Executive Summary:

Attached are the summary reports on the Body-Worn Camera Grants issued by the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) for one-time grants to law-enforcement agencies for the purpose of purchasing, operating, and maintaining body-worn camera systems.

The FY2021 report was required under the 2020 Appropriations Act – (Special Session), Item S.2. The report summarizes the Body-Worn Camera Grants, award amounts, a description and amount of purchased or to-be-purchased equipment, and the status of the project at the end of the quarter ending June 30, 2021.

DCJS released two funding opportunities soliciting grant applications from law-enforcement agencies to fund body-worn camera programs. Sixty-one applications were submitted in response to the solicitations, with all but one applying locality being awarded funding. The locality that was not funded was unable to provide the matching funds required by the Appropriations Act. Additionally, of the 60 awards made by DCJS, one was later declined by the local law-enforcement agency due to a change in its contract with its chosen vendor.

There are currently 59 awards to 43 police departments and 15 sheriff’s offices across the Commonwealth. This includes 12 cities, 18 counties, 24 towns, three institutions of higher learning, and two airport authorities. The total amount in state grant funds awarded during the grant period is $1,271,732, with localities providing a 50% cash or in-kind match of $1,271,732. The grant period for the awards spans twelve months, beginning on April 1, 2021 and ending on March 31, 2022.