RD725 - Department of Health Central Office and Local Health Departments (LHD) Maintenance American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State Fiscal Fund (SFF) Workplan – September 30, 2021

Executive Summary:

The VDH & LHD Maintenance initiative focuses on identifying and seeking solutions to facility maintenance needs that restrict public health’s ability to provide services that address COVID-19’s impact on the Commonwealth of Virginia. Many of those most affected by the pandemic are the patients served by the community-based clinics that make up the public health system. Lack of appropriate facility upgrades, such as introducing touchless technology for doors and restrooms and cold storage for vaccines, exacerbated the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on populations that rely on public health systems. The initiative focuses on employee safety and addressing qualifying maintenance needs in both the districts and offices for VDH. It will enable each location to comply with distancing and ventilation guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

These projects and ultimate resolution to identified needs will enable VDH to protect the health and promote the well-being of all people in Virginia. They ensure VDH’s employees, contractors, and volunteers can continue to work towards the agency’s mission of becoming the healthiest state in the nation.