RD35 - Virginia Military Advisory Council 2017 Annual Report
Executive Summary: The Virginia Military Advisory Council (VMAC) was created as an advisory council to: maintain a cooperative and constructive relationship between the Commonwealth and the leadership of the Armed Forces of the United States and the military commanders of such Armed Forces stationed in the Commonwealth, encourage regular communication on continued military facility viability, and encourage the exploration of privatization opportunities and issues affecting preparedness, public safety, and security. In 2017, the VMAC, led by the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs, John C. Harvey, Jr., was composed of thirty-two (32) military officers representing major military commands and installations in the Commonwealth. The House of Delegates and Senate of Virginia each appointed members to serve on the VMAC during 2017. Governor Terence R. McAuliffe appointed five (5) individuals, including the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs, the Adjutant General of Virginia, and three (3) appointments, all with significant backgrounds dealing with the military and the quality of life for military families. Through the normal rotation of installation commanders there were eleven (11) new members in 2017. Under the leadership of the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs, the focus of the VMAC in 2017 was on continuing efforts to make the Commonwealth of Virginia the most military-friendly state in the Nation. Virginia continues to work on finding employment for those service members and families who are leaving active duty in order to keep this valuable resource within the Commonwealth. |